By Xisto $ Santos in 13/07/2022
Due Early Guardianship to determine the Financial Institution that changes all trans person data, so that it is in the current name in all registers.

Committed to the diversities and always at the forefront of fundamental rights and guarantees, especially minorities, the firm represented a client who was surprised by his male name of birth registration in transactions via pix and in information submitted by the financial institution, even after obtaining a court decision to change his name, including in all its documents the new record.

This practice, which represents a transphobic act due to the omission of the financial institution in keeping the male name of birth registration even after several administrative requests, made the client endure numerous constraints before third parties, violating the sacred principle of human dignity, which is the maximum pillar and advisor of the Federal Constitution of Brazil.

In the process that proceeds in secret of justice, the client obtained guardianship granted by the MM. Judgment of the 5th Civil Court of the District of Santos - SP, determining the bank to change all registrations to contain its current name, under penalty of a daily fine of R $ 500.00 (five hundred reais), limited to the amount of R $ 50,000.00 (fifty thousand reais),  this ceiling may be raised in case of non-compliance, without prejudice to possible investigation of a crime of disobedience and conviction for procedural bad faith. Appeal is up to it (secret process of justice for involving intimacy).


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